Starry Plough Home Page

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The Hunger Strikers

Provisional IRA

Vol. Bobby Sands

Internment 1971

Garvaghy Road

Bloody Sunday


Holy Cross Girls School

Vol. Tom Williams

Links Of The Starry Plough

Roll Of Honour

Guest Book

Welcome To The Starry Plough

My name is Steven McGowan. I have made this site to show my support to the Republican Movement. The reason i called my site the Starry Plough. Is because the Starry Plough is a well known flag of the Republican people. The Flag colours are sky blue and white Sky blue back ground and seven white stars. I hope you like the site if you have any questions e-mail me remember to sign the Guest Book.


Tiocfaid h- Ar ' La

The P.I.R.A
The Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) was formed in 1969 as the clandestine armed wing of Sinn Fein, a legal political movement dedicated to removing British forces from Northern Ireland and unifying Ireland. The Provos were formed from the Official Sinn Fein and the Official IRA. The Official IRA declared a ceasefire in the summer of 1972, and subsequently the term IRA has been used for the organisation that had developed from the 'Provisional' IRA. Organized into small, tightly knit cells under the leadership of the Army Council, the Provisional IRA was the largest of the three republican armed resistance groups. The policies of Sinn fein under the leadership Gerry Adams from 1994 to 1998 led to a split in the Provisional Irish Republican Army during the fall of 1997, with one faction accepting the new Good Friday Agreement, and the New or Real IRA continuing armed resistance to British partition.
         Sinn Fein         
Sinn Fein is the oldest political party in Ireland, named from the Irish Gaelic expression for ``We Ourselves''. Since being founded in 1905 it has worked for the right of Irish people as a whole to attain national self-determination, and has elected representatives in every major Irish town and city.

Links & Sympathizer of the P.I.R.A
The P.I.R.A has received aid from a variety of groups and countries and considerable training and arms from Libya and, at one time, the PLO. Also is suspected of receiving funds and arms from sympathizers in the United States. Similarities in operations suggest links to the ETA



This Site Does In No Way Supports The Real IRA , C.I.R.A or the I.N.LA